Your Child’s First Day

What should I pack for my child?

We provide everything children might need during their day. However we do ask families to bring a water bottle for their child to use throughout the day, some spare clothes as some experiences can get messy and any comforters such as a dummy or sleeping bag/blanket the child might need to make them feel more settled.

When packing your child’s bag for their day you may like to consider the following:

  • In general 2 sets of spare clothing. If your child is toilet training, please provide at least 6 spare pairs of clothing including socks and shoes
  • A jumper or jacket in case the weather changes
  • A comfort item such as a teddy bear or blanket labelled with your child’s name
  • Formula in separate containers and bottles for babies which are clearly labelled
  • A drink bottle suitable for your child’s age and stage of development

Arriving at Little Friends

On the first day of starting childcare at Little Friends Early Learning, we’ll welcome you and help you sign your child in on our ipad. After that, you can put your child’s bag in their locker provided in your child’s classroom. Our educators will familiarise you with the Centre once again, and give you a run-down of what will be happening during your child’s day.

This will also provide you with the opportunity to update any information in regards to your child’s routine and how their morning has been. Communication between educator’s and families is important in ensuring that your child has the most successful first day at Little Friends Early Learning as possible.


What to expect

While each child is different, many children experience separation anxiety on their first day. Although your child may appear upset, our experienced and caring educators have many techniques they use to help settle your child and help them to feel safe and secure in their care environment.

Saying goodbye

It will take time for children to get used to the new environment and not having their parents with them as security. It is best for parents to give a quick good bye and let them know you will be picking them up later, saying good bye is so important and not just rushing out and leaving your child without saying good bye. 

Before long, your child will be waving goodbye and happily going off to join a new little friend or getting absorbed by one of the many experiences and creative wonder’s within our learning spaces.


Staying connected

The first few days or weeks after starting childcare, it’s natural to wonder what your child is up to and how they are going throughout the day. That’s why you can expect a call or email from one of our educators, who’ll let you know how your child is settling in and which experiences they have participated in.

We will also ensure that you have access to Storypark which will allow families to see live updates on your child’s day as well as any photo’s of your child participating in experiences and engaging with educators and peers. You’re also very welcome to give us a call anytime during the day.