Discoverers (0-2 years)
Our nursery room is run by an Early Childhood Teacher with over 12 years experience within the field of Early Childhood Education and Care.
In the nursery room, our program works around the routines set by the families and their home environments. We provide the children with the necessary materials to explore and develop their emotional, social, cognitive and language skills all while in an environment that aims to meet the individual needs of each child.
In our play spaces, you will see the children’s interests and goals reflected in the carefully designed learning environments as well as the calm and encouraging atmosphere provided by our beautiful educators.

Through our nursery program, children:
- Develop their cognitive skills through engagement with resources that offer challenge, intrigue and surprise, support their investigations and share their enjoyment.
- Develop their fine motor skills through using fine motor resources such as art and craft and objects with moveable parts
- Develop their gross motor skills
- Develop curiosity and confidence skills
- Begin language development through stories, songs, hand movements, facial expressions and actions.
- Are exposed to early numeracy skills such as exploring songs, exploring volume, numbers, big and small, tall and short during play
- Build their social skills through interactions with other children and our nurturing team of educators and teachers.
- Build relationships and secure attachments.
Discoverers Room Routine
7:00 am – Little Friends Early Learning opens
Upon arrival, children join us for family grouping and breakfast in the toddler room. Between 7:00 and 8:30, the children are free to explore the room and the resources it has to offer for some free play, as they settle in for the morning and get ready to start their day.
8:30 – Transition to the Nursery
Just before 8:30, the children are encouraged to pack away the toddler room so that their room is ready for the day. This assists the children in developing independence and a respect for their learning environment. We then make our way to the Nursery Room to commence our morning activities.
8:40 – Group time
To settle the children in to the room, our nurturing educators engage the children in a group story.
8:45 – Free play and intention teaching opportunities
The teachers and educators in the Nursery room develop learning experiences for the children that have been pre-planned and aim to assist the children in the development of their skills and knowledge. These activities are play based, open ended and are catered to individual and small groups of children. They are in depth learning experiences and have an educator engaged to lead discussions, participate in the children’s play and scaffold their learning.
9:30 – Morning tea
Morning tea is a time for bonding as the children come together to share a meal.
10:00 – Outdoor play
The outdoor environment is designed to invite engagement and curiosity in nature. Resources and equipment are set up, based on the children’s interest and developmental needs. Outdoor play is a time for the babies to socialise and explore, while building their confidence and curiosity and their gross motor skills.
11:15 – Lunch time
The children are assisted in washing their hands, following the correct procedure, locating their drink bottle and finding a seat at the lunch table or in their high chairs! The children are provided with a healthy, cooked lunch daily which caters to their dietary needs. We offer a rotating menu where the children have the opportunity to try foods from a range of different cultures. Lunch is a social time for the children and the educators often lead discussions with the children about their food and encouraging them to try new foods.
11:45 – Rest time
Routine is very important for babies and the educators and teachers work around the children’s home routines the home routine for rest time. Some of the older children in the nursery have their routine rest time after lunch.
The children who have already had a sleep, engage in learning experiences and quiet free play with their educators.
2:00 – Rest time ends
The children in the nursery room have unique needs and their sleep routines vary. Many of the children wake on their own by 2:00pm. As they wake up, they join their peers and educators in play.
3:00 Afternoon tea
Once more, the children join their peers and educators for afternoon tea.
3:30 Indoor/Outdoor play
The children engage in indoor or outdoor play with their educators for further opportunities for exploration and engagement with the environment.
5:00 Late snack and family grouping
All of the children join us in the toddler room for family grouping where educators engage them in small group activities with their educators such as songs, counting and group games.
6:00 – Little Friend Early Learning closes
See you again tomorrow!