
Our commitment

Little Friends is committed to protecting the environment and implementing practices that provide for a sustainable future. Little Friends considers its responsibility towards future generations and acts to promote sustainable lifestyle choices. We achieve this by embedding sustainable practices and supporting children to become environmentally responsible and show respect for the environment.

Children of all age groups gain knowledge in appreciation and respect for our environment with participation in recycling of materials, growing of produce in our fabulous vegetable garden, environmentally sustainable disposal of food scraps, energy and water consumption and developing awareness of the impact of human activity for future generations.

At Little Friends our centre is 100% smart lighting, and all our bathrooms use touch sensor taps where the tap runs for 8 seconds after activation it is all about reducing, reusing and recycling. Reducing waste in the Centre and preschool is part of our everyday routine. For instance, we use paper, cardboard and other recycled materials in the craft areas. Our families are also encouraged to donate reusable materials for art and craft work.

Our strategy

Teaching sustainability within our programs

Our educators at Little Friends continually improve their knowledge in regards to promoting sustainability, every day our educators lead by example on reducing, reusing and recycling.
Our Children are our future and will be the caretakers of our environment, Sustainable practices are embedded in the children’s daily routine and in their day-to-day activities, these include:
  • Using recyclable materials where possible.
  • Encouraging children to use half flush on the toilets,
  • Encouraging children to turn the water off when they have washed their hands,
  • Encouraging children to recycle paper and rubbish within their rooms, at home and when in the wider community,
  • Talking with the children about electricity and encouraging them to turn off lights,
  • Educating children on caring for plants
  • We have rubbish clean up days where our educators set up the backyard with rubbish (don’t worry it is clean) and our children will go look for these objects and dispose them in the appropriate bins.